Interactive Training by Way of a Conversation
If you want your audience to dramatically increase sales, efficiency and profitability, Doug is the master at instantly connecting with participants by creating real, measurable behavioral changes. He delivers an interactive training program through a conversation that makes each person feel completely understood. Participants are led to actually participate and begin to see the future application.
Typically, the style of Doug’s workshops is to conduct a series of interactive exercises. He establishes relevancy and has the participants practice—rather than role play. What’s unique is that most people will have an insight and an increase in skill and self-confidence before they ever leave the classroom.
Keynote Topics and Live Workshops

Clients Forever: How to Have Your Clients Build Your Business for You
What if I you would increase your income by decreasing your sales calls? Doug will help you to focus your efforts on the people you most enjoy working with, generate better results with less effort, build relationships with clients by viewing them as valuable people, not just potential sales, develop a new approach that accentuates your personal strengths, trust your buyers to control their own informed decisions and shift your role from expert consultant to process facilitator.

Clients Forever: Why Your Satisfied Clients Leave You and What to Do About It
Based on research and years of experience, Doug has separated the concept of a “satisfied” client from the concept of a “loyal” client. His keynote presentation will eliminate the need for spending more time and money on marketing by training audiences to develop client relationships that will lead to loyalty.

If We Do What We’ve Always Done, We’ll Get What We’ve Always Gotten… NOT
Doug helps participants to evaluate where they are in their profession and in their life, as well as how they’ve gotten there. He assists them to realize the risks for businesses with the mindset, “If we do what we’ve always done, we’ll get what we’ve always gotten” and he helps participants to see the future application of the action plan he presents.

If We Do Not Change Our Direction, We’ll Probably End Up Where We’re Headed
The tendency for successful businesses is the belief that they’re fine—but that’s not accurate. Doug presents a new perspective, which incorporates the idea that we must constantly evolve with the evolving times; otherwise, we will be left behind.
Testimonials and Partial Client List
Doug Carter is one of the most powerful interactive trainers I know! He is funny, he is practical, he is inspirational and he knows what he’s doing. He moves people! He just may be the second best kept secret in America!
— Michael E. Gerber
The E-Myth Academy, Author of The “E” Myth
Doug Carter understands more about how to ‘move an audience’ than most people will learn in a lifetime. He’s realistic, practical, and he knows precisely why something works. He’s moving me to levels I didn’t even know existed. I’ve already made more than $1 million because of him.
You could too.
— Mark Sheer
Mark Sheer Seminars
Doug Carter is the greatest interactive trainer I have ever seen and I have been doing this for over 30 years.
— Jack Wells
Presidential Speech Writer (Nixon, Ford, Reagan)

- Allstate Insurance
- AmeriComm International
- American Express
Financial Advisors - Aegon Equity Group
- AssetMark
- Fidelity Financial
Services, Inc - Genworth Financial
- Inter Securities
International - ING Advisors Network
- Kaiser Permanente, Inc
- Kemper Funds
- Liberty Foundation, Inc
- LifePro Financial
- MarketShare Financial
- MassMutual
- Metropolitan Life
- NEXT Financial
- ORBA Financial
- PacifiCare, Inc.
- Solomon Brothers
- Smith, Barney, Inc.
- SunLife of Canada, Ltd
- Vantage Financial
- Western Reserve Life
Interested in Hiring Doug Carter?
- Keynotes and Live Workshops
- Real Life Optimization Training
- About Doug Carter
- Doug in the News & Media
- Testimonials and Client List
- Hire Doug Carter